Memorial University,
Indiana University Bloomington,
Michigan State University,
Georgetown University,
George Mason University,
Article I: NAME: The name of the society shall be the Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Folklore Association (abbreviated as SEEFA).
Article II: PURPOSE. SEEFA is a scholarly, non-profit organization devoted to an exchange of knowledge among scholars interested in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian folklore. In particular, SEEFA shall seek to promote instruction in American colleges and universities, to encourage the preparation of teaching materials and translations, to organize panels on Slavic, East European, and Eurasian folklore at national and international conferences, to support exchange and summer programs, and to foster research in related fields such as anthropology, ethnic studies, history, literature, and musicology. In addition, SEEFA shall seek to promote joint research, scholarly exchanges and conferences, expeditions, and publications with scholars in Slavic and other East European and Eurasian countries.
Article III: ASSOCIATION. Primarily SEEFA shall seek affiliation with the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES). Secondarily, SEEFA shall seek affiliation with the American Association of the Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages, the American Folklore Society, the American Committee of Slavists, the American Anthropological Association, the American Historical Association, and other associations actively engaged in Slavic and East European folklore.
Article IV: MEMBERS. Membership in SEEFA shall be open to all who have a substantial interest in any aspect of scholarship related to Slavic, East European, and Eurasian folklore, who are residents of North America and who pay their dues. These members shall be eligible to vote.
Article V: OFFICERS.
Article VI: MEETINGS. The general business meeting of SEEFA shall be held every calendar year in conjunction with the annual conference of ASEEES. At the meetings 25% of the membership, including proxy votes, shall constitute a quorum. Upon request of the President or upon written request of 25% of the members, the Secretary-Treasurer may call a special meeting. Notice about the time and place of the meetings of SEEFA shall be given in writing or by electronic means to all members by the Secretary-Treasurer at least one month before the meeting.
Article VII: FINANCES. The finances of SEEFA shall consist of members’ dues proceeds, donations, and bequests. The annual membership dues shall be proposed by the Executive Board and shall be approved by a majority of members present at the annual meeting, Initially dues shall be $15.00 per annum; for students dues shall be $10 per annum. Income shall be sued to cover operating expenses of SEEFA for items such as the annual meeting, elections, notices, and newsletters.
Article VIII: PUBLICATIONS. A Newsletter for SEEFA shall be published at least once a year and shall contain information about conferences, publications, bibliographic and electronic materials, research in progress, exchanges, joint projects, and other activities of interest to those interested in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian folklore. Occasional papers may be published depending on financial support and general importance to the members of SEEFA. The Executive Board shall appoint a member of compile and distribute the Newsletter. Expenses for distribution of the Newsletter shall be borne by SEEFA.
Article IX: AMENDMENTS. Amendments to the Bylaws shall either receive a majority vote of a quorum at an annual meeting or may be proposed by a petition containing the signatures of 15 voting members of at least 1 year’s standing and shall be subject to subsequent ratification by two-thirds of those members voting in a mail ballot, but including no less than 50% of the total membership of SEEFA. Amendments may also be proposed by a petition containing the signatures of 15 voting members of at least one year’s standing.
Article X: PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY. Roberts Rules of Order (revised), in the latest edition, shall govern SEEFA in all cases to which it can be applied and in which it is not inconsistent with the bylaws of SEEFA.
Article XI: DISSOLUTION. In the event of the dissolution of SEEFA, any assets remaining after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities of SEEFA shall be disposed of exclusively for the purposes of SEEFA to such non-profit groups(s) organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes.
Article XII: ENABLING CLAUSE. The Bylaws shall be approved by at least two-thirds of the people at the organizational meeting and shall go into effect subject to legal review immediately upon passage.
*SEEFA is legally incorporated under the name “Slavic and East European Folklore Association, Inc.”
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